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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

News Alert: Tiny White Flakes Falling from the Sky 

In case you didn't know, it is snowing. But no need to worry, the news media has all the information you need.
Check out the coverage:
People are Sick of the Cold, but it Keeps Snowing [New York Times]
When it's Cold and Snowy, Sometimes there's Ice [New York Post]
If there is Snow on the Ground, People have to Use Shovels to Move It [New York Daily News]
And finally Candy-Asses in DC Run Home to Hide from the Scary Snow [WTOP]

Alright already! It's snowing! No shit, look out the window. Can we talk about something else now?


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Nets Move to Brooklyn 

Everyone is going bonkers over the Nets moving to Brooklyn. The New York Times has literally 5 articles covering the subject today, a map of the Net's new digs, and a timeline following their history. Newsday covers the protests of the residents surrounding the new stadium. But no one seems to be focusing in on the most important part of this story : THE YANKEES NO LONGER OWN THE NETS!

Let's look at the plight of a Boston transplant living in New York. Such a person might like to adopt a team to cheer for in her new town, but all New York teams seem to be unacceptable:

Yankees- hate them hate them hate them
Mets - They beat the Sox in 86, so that's out
Giants - Impossible to get a ticket for their games
Jets - The Tuna left the Pats for the Jets, and there's been a rivalry ever since
Hockey - Sorry, the Bostonian in question doesn't really follow Hockey
Knicks - age old rivelry with the Celtics
Nets - Owned by the Yankees and thus part of the Evil Empire

But now, the Nets are free! Transplanted Bostonians can rejoice - we can cheer for a New York team!

Buy your Nets Tickets Now!


Monday, January 19, 2004

The New York Times on Annoying Ads  

The New York Times reported today on the increasing popularity of blockers for pop-up ads. They describe pop-up ads as being "among the most intrusive, and to many people, the most obnoxious features on the Internet." Lately, when Standard Deviance has clicked on a New York Times article to read, an entire page ad has appeared. The reader is then redirected to the article after a short period. Pop-up ads can be closed with a click of the mouse, but this full page ad must be endured until you are redirected to the article. This seems much more "obnoxious" than a pop up ad. Glass houses, people.

New York Times


Friday, January 16, 2004

This would affect me if I had any money 

Taxi fares are scheduled to increase by 25% this spring, according to the Daily News. I should be enraged. However, the only time I take cabs is when I'm drunkenly stumbling home, and seeing how the next day I never remember how much it was, this is really of no consequence to me.

Anyway, I have my own personal stretch limo, where I always ride in the back. It's called the F train.

Daily News


Thursday, January 15, 2004

One-Bedrooms cost a Bajillion Dollars 

Today there was a nice little article in the New York Times about the average prices of one-bedroom apartments. A one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan this year cost an average of $470,000. Let's see, at that price and my current income, also taking into account future schooling and future income I will be able to buy an apartment in... hmmm....carry the one..........NEVER!

I will Rent Forever

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